Club Code of Conduct


Applies to: All Players, Coaches, Officials and Supporter of the Camden Senior Australian Football Club (Camden Cats).

Applies when: At all times whilst at the club (Fairfax Reserve), at any ‘AFL Sydney’ game and/or at after match or official club functions.

The Camden Cats fully support the ‘AFL Sydney’ and ‘AFL’ Codes of Conduct.

All coaches, players, officials and supporters are expected to behave in a manner at all times that reflect the values and standards of both the Camden Cats and the greater Australian football community whether at home or away.

The core values of the Camden Cats that must be promoted by all are; inclusiveness, fairness and respect.


By being a member of the Camden Cats Community I agree to abide by the Codes of Conduct enacted by the club, ‘AFL Sydney’ and the ‘AFL’.

I understand that if I do not follow the code, I may be subject to disciplinary action which may include any or all of the following sanctions.

• I may be required to appear before a disciplinary panel to explain my behaviour

• I may be required to apologise to those who suffered the negative effects of my behaviour

• I may receive a formal warning from the club

• I may be subjected to a period of suspension from playing, coaching or attending games

• I may be removed from my official position (Committee, Coaches, Player Leadership Group)

• I may have to pay, or contribute to, any fine received by the club from ‘AFL Sydney’, NSW Police or Local Council

• I may be expelled from the club


The Camden Cats requires all issues to be resolved to the satisfaction of the members and Committee in a timely manner. Where practicable this will be within 72 hours of the incident. Should the issue under investigation involve a player, the resolution must be prior to the next scheduled competition match.

Accordingly, the following issue resolution procedures have been developed to enable this objective to be fulfilled. All members have a responsibility to participate in reasonable actions to resolve issues that may impact on the club. The procedures below detail the level of involvement for expediting issue resolution.


• On-field Behaviour – Senior Coach or a Committee Member

• Off-field Behaviour – Any member of the Committee


All matters that breach the club code of conduct will be decided upon by a disciplinary panel comprised of the following people;

• On-field – Senior Coach, Club Captain(s) or a senior member of the player leadership group and a member of the committee

• Off-field – Club President, Club Captain(s) or a senior member of the player leadership group and a member of the committee

The matters to be determined by the disciplinary panel are;

• The seriousness of the alleged conduct

• The extent of the issue (e.g. who is affected, the likely wider effect on the Club)

• The number of players or teams affected

• Whether appropriate temporary measures are possible or desirable

• Appropriateness of the sanction for general and specific deterrence

• The expected time before the issue can be addressed


Any person who identifies an issue with either the on field or off field behaviour of a member of the football club should report it.

Both on the field and off the field behaviour that would be subject to disciplinary action would include, however, not be limited to the below as well as the below minimum sanctions being enforced.


• Abuse of a player, official, coach or supporter - Minimum Sanction: 2 weeks

• Violent, threatening or intimidating behaviour - Minumum Sanction: 2 weeks


• Abuse of a player, official, coach or supporter - Minimum Sanction: 2 weeks

• Violent, threatening or intimidating behaviour - Minimum Sanction: 2 weeks

• Inappropriate behaviour as a result of excessive alcohol consumption - Minimum Sanction: 2 weeks

• Any conduct that breaches any club liquor license - Minimum Sanction: 4 weeks

• Use of prohibited drugs - Minimum Sanction: 4 weeks

• Inappropriate use of social media - Minimum Sanction: 1 week + payment of any AFL fines

• Bringing the Camden Club into disrepute - Minimum Sanction: 2 weeks

Date Issued: 7 September 2015

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